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Why everything you knew about Google CTR is no longer a valid

Published by:Sara Smith

January 31, 2024

Click-through rate, or CTR, displays the proportion of clicks on each query during a given day. CTR has a direct impact on a website’s organic reach, conversion potential, and overall performance in the digital marketplace since it is the main factor influencing website traffic that comes from search engine results pages (SERPs). A CTR of more than 3% is regarded favorably in SEO. However, because search engine algorithms and user behavior are always changing, all of these things are archaic. However, check it “Measuring Click-Through Rateto learn more about the CTR measurement key in depth if that’s what you’re actually interested in.

This guide will help you in delving deeply into the reasons why everything you thought you knew about Google CTR may no longer hold true, and how to modify your strategies for long-term success. Now let’s get started!

Why do we need to deal with Google CTR?

The main purpose of SEO is to redirect as many people as possible to your website. The CTR helps you to achieve your purpose. Because Google’s CTR has a direct influence on how well our online presence performs, we must address it. The Google Click-Through Rate (CTR) is an important metric since it shows how many visitors come to our website from Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). CTR essentially acts as a gauge for how visible and successful our website is at drawing in visitors.

The landscape of Google searches is currently evolving quickly. Due to new Google features and integrations, there is a steady increase in the number of mobile searches, a decrease in the attention span and corresponding desire to scroll, and an increase in the diversity of search results. It is ensured by these and other influential elements that prior understanding of Google CTRs is out of date.

Neglecting Google CTR entails ignoring a cornerstone of marketing strategy, which can seriously impede our capacity to connect with and engage our target market. To maximize our online performance and keep our competitiveness in the digital market, we must thus comprehend and actively control Google CTR.

The #1 organic Results In Google Gets 28.5% of All Clicks

As to the Sistrix research, the first organic result has a proportion of 28.5 percent, while the second place has a percentage of 15.7%, which is about half of the clicks for position 1, and the percentage drops progressively after that.

Getting a high ranking on Google’s search engine results page (SERP) is essential for increasing click-through rates (CTR) and, in turn, traffic to your website. Studies show that achieving the coveted #1 spot results in a CTR that is almost ten times greater than that of a #10 ranking. In addition, the biggest gain in CTR—a whopping 12.8 percentage points—occurs when one moves from the second to the first place.

Click Rates are Determined by the SERP Layout

A Google search engine results page’s (SERP) design significantly influences click-through rates (CTRs). The days of SERPs only showing organic results are long gone. These days, SERPs are enhanced with a variety of boxes and features that change user behavior and CTR dynamics dramatically. Every component vies for the user’s attention and influences the links they click on. Thus, in order to increase click-through rates and eventually the exposure of your website, it is imperative that you take into account and optimize for the SERP layout.

Most Keywords Show Purely Organic Results

According to an investigation, a significant percentage of terms primarily provide organic results. But as one moves farther down the long-tail spectrum, the presence of SERPs that are exclusively organic becomes more noticeable. The percentage of totally organic SERPs increases with more exploration of the long tail. On the other hand, popular keywords, especially those that fall within the short-head group, frequently cause various feature boxes to appear, which in turn affects CTR trends.

The purely organic results are shown in the study of Sistrix. According to this study, there is a higher click-through rate for all organic search results than for only organic search results.

As you can see, if the SERP layout only includes organic results, there are 6.2% more clicks on the first page, or 34.2% of searchers, who click on the first results.

Sitelinks Enhance User Navigation

Google uses site links in an organized way to make it easier for users to navigate the page, especially when the website has a clear purpose. Sitelinks improve users’ browsing experiences and may have an effect on CTRs by functioning as navigational assistance for people looking for certain websites. These supplementary links, which appear beneath the primary search result, give consumers immediate access to particular web pages. Sitelinks facilitate user navigation by providing rapid links to pertinent areas or well-liked websites, enabling users to locate information quickly.

As shown in the graph below 46.9% of clicks are above average, or nearly every second click on this SERP. The CTRs at the other positions, however, are noticeably lower. Here, you can decide that the user is searching for a particular website and is only prepared to click on it for that reason.

Featured Snippets:

Enhanced text snippets with extra content are known as featured snippets, and they are commonplace on search engine results pages. In response to “Know Simple” search intents, Google displays highlighted snippets in an effort to provide consumers with clear, succinct answers inside the search results. Featured snippets are quite noticeable and are frequently displayed above organic search results. They might be in the shape of paragraphs, lists, or tables.  Featured snippets have the potential to greatly increase organic visibility and CTRs. Featured snippets can affect click-through rates for organic listings even if they give consumers useful information since they allow visitors to locate what they’re looking for without having to visit the website.

We can see in this graph that the click-through rate for the highlighted snippet in the top ranking is 5.3% percentage points lower than the average for this position. The highlighted snippet provides no value to the website that generated the content for it.

It’s interesting to note that the websites at numbers two and three gain a lot. The websites in second position (15.7% to 20.5%) and third place (11% to 13.3%) will likewise see a rise in CTR.

Google app:

Google Apps are a more sophisticated version of the highlighted snippet that provides consumers with an immersive and interactive experience right in the search results. These personalized results, which are prominently shown on the search engine results page (SERP), provide consumers with certain information or features that are relevant to their query. Google Apps, in contrast to standard featured snippets, let viewers interact with dynamic content—such as interactive tools, calculators, and converters—without requiring them to visit another website. Moreover, by giving consumers prompt answers to their questions, Google Apps can affect click-through rates for organic results.

We can estimate its click-through rate from this graph which shows the CTR for the top position decreased from 28.5% to just 16.3%, nearly half. However, the data also shows that, in this particular SERP layout, 16.7% of Google users click on position #2 rather than position #1, meaning that the second organic position gets more clicks than the first.

Unveiling Knowledge Panels: 

Knowledge panels provide viewers with an extensive amount of information about different things; they are mostly drawn from the Knowledge Graph. Google has made a commitment to improving user experience and knowledge accessibility by placing knowledge panels at the top of the page for mobile users and on the right side for desktop users of SERPs. Knowledge panels compile data from official websites, Wikipedia, Google’s knowledge base, and other reliable sources. Knowledge panels can affect click-through rates for organic listings even if they improve user experience by giving quick access to pertinent information.

The graph shows that, in comparison to the average, the CTR in the top two organic positions which is 16.8 and 13.2 decreases significantly. Particularly on smartphones, where pages take a long time to load, a lot of customers seem to locate what they’re searching for on the Knowledge Panel.

The Influence of Google Ads on CTRs

The presence of Google Ads significantly influences click-through rates (CTRs) for both organic and sponsored search results on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs).  Google Ads have the potential to distract users from organic results by drawing their attention and clicking on them, which lowers the click-through rates (CTRs) for those listings. Studies show that the presence of Google Ads might result in a 10 percentage point drop in CTRs for organic listings. A decline in organic search engine results has occurred as users are more inclined to click on prominently displayed sponsored adverts at the top of the SERP, easily distinguished from organic results.

Just 13.7% of visitors click on the search result at the top of this graph of SERP layouts, which records the lowest organic CTRs. Google Shopping is incorporated at the top, leading to this effect. The remaining results’ clickthrough rates are likewise noticeably below average.

CTR Thieves: Mitigating Factors

Certain components on search engine results pages (SERPs) have the ability to steal clicks and user attention from traditional organic listings by acting as “CTR thieves.” Pictures, locations, news tidbits, and recipe cards are some examples of these features. While each has a purpose, they may unintentionally affect the click-through rates (CTRs) of organic results.


Visually appealing features such as prominently displayed photos and videos on the SERP can capture users’ attention and attract clicks. When content is visually appealing, users could be more likely to click on picture results than on organic listings as you can see in a graph.


Local listings and map packs on the search engine results page (SERP) display relevant company locations and instructions to users. When looking for local services or companies, users may choose to click on these listings over organic results, especially if convenience and closeness are important factors to them as shown in a graph.


Users may get the most recent information on hot issues and current events from the news articles and snippets that appear on the SERP. Users interested in breaking news may opt to click on news articles for the most recent changes, rather than clicking on organic results.


Recipe cards and detailed snippets featuring ingredients and preparation directions draw in users seeking culinary inspiration. In order to quickly get cooking instructions, users have the option to click on recipe results straight from the SERP, avoiding organic listings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why has the landscape of Google CTR changed?

The landscape of Google CTR has evolved due to the increasing complexity of search engine results pages (SERPs). With the introduction of various features such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and Google Ads, user behavior and CTRs have been influenced significantly.

How do SERP layouts impact CTRs?

The specific composition of a SERP plays a crucial role in shaping CTRs. Diverse elements and features prevalent in the system provide users with more options, influencing clicking behavior and ultimately impacting CTRs.

What are some key elements of the modern SERP layout?

Modern SERP layouts feature a mix of organic search results, featured snippets, knowledge panels, site links, and Google Ads. Each of these elements can impact user engagement and CTRs in unique ways.

How do featured snippets affect CTRs?

Featured snippets offer concise answers to user queries directly within the search results. While they provide immediate access to information, they can also reduce the need for users to click through to other websites, thereby impacting CTRs.

What role do knowledge panels play in influencing CTRs?

Knowledge panels provide users with comprehensive information on various entities directly within the SERPs. While they enhance user experience, they can also divert attention away from organic listings, potentially reducing CTRs.